Chris M Pappas

Chris Pappas has worked in Masonry Construction since 1982, serving in a variety of roles including estimating, contract negotiations, brick laying, and project management. His thirty years of experience allow him to effectively oversee all daily operations at Telligent, and ensure that every project conforms to the highest standards of quality, safety, and workmanship. To Chris, every project, no matter how large or small, is a matter of personal pride.


Telligent Masonry, LLC

Employee - 1980- Current

Telligent Masonry is a leader in the masonry construction industry. We install brick, CMU, cast stone, precast, stone veneer and air/vapor barrier work for hotels, public and private institutions, historic landmarks, governm...

MCAA Regional Vice Presidents

Region A Vice President

The Regional Vice President position job description is as follows:

Attend both the Annual and Midyear Meetings
Attend quarterly conference calls
Communication and coordination with the State Chairmen in the region
Sit on at...

Telligent Masonry, LLC

The MCAA talked with Chris M. Pappas, President of Telligent Masonry, LLC, about the history of the company, challenges faced, and the future of the industry.

About: 5-on-5

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