MCAA Regional Report, Region H

Words: Ron AdamsCalifornia - Mason Contractors Association of California
Hawaii - No State Chair
Nevada - No State Chair

Workforce Development


Northern CA BAC #3 and Southern CA BAC #4 apprentice programs continuing their training programs. Both programs experienced a slight up-tick in new enrollment, but still far behind the numbers of four years ago.


No State Chair


No State Chair

Economic Conditions/Forecasts


For the first time since 2008, on a year-over-year 10/1/11 thru 10/1/12, construction employment rose by 27,700. The unemployment rate is still high at 10.1 percent but that’s down from 11.5 percent a year ago. Existing home sales were up 10 percent from a year ago and home prices were up 23 percent in the same period. The California Association of Realtor’s unsold inventory index fell to 3.1 months in October, the lowest reading since August 2005. The UCLA Anderson School of Management 2013 California Economic Forecast calls for a recovery in residential construction to ”take off in earnest” beginning in 2013 predicting a 40 percent increase in residential building permits. As historical data suggest, all previous California recessions were left behind upon gains in residential construction. The report also predicts the CA unemployment rate to average 9.7 percent through 2013 and dip to 8.3 percent in 2014.


No State Chair


No State Chair

Masonry Marketing Activities


The Concrete Masonry Association of California and Nevada (CMACN) continue to promote and reward exceptional masonry design through their annual awards ceremony — a truly first class production for deserving designers and contractors to be held this September in Southern CA.

The Masonry Institute of America (MIA) continues to update and upgrade its publications used by designers, contractors and educators across America.


No State Chair


No State Chair



Contractors through-out the state report bid prices are still in the bottom of the trough due to the ongoing economic great recession that has continued throughout 2012.

A number on new laws go into effect on January 1, 2013 with the following highlighted: CA Air Resources Board (CARB) diesel regulations require all off-road vehicles have Equipment Identification Numbers (EINs) placed on “both sides” of the equipment vehicle and not just on the right side. Another CARB regulation requires all diesel trucks with GVWs greater the 26,000 lbs with 1996 — 2004 engines be replaced or retrofitted.

On the insurance side, be prepared - CA State Workers Comp rates are predicted to rise approximately 15.64 percent.


No State Chair


No State Chair
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