Proposed OSHA rule decreases PEL

Words: Jeff BuczkiewiczOSHA released their proposed rule on silica this afternoon. The new rule is decreasing the PEL to .50 and the remediation level to .25. In addition OSHA has a general industry rule and a construction industry rule.

The MCAA is a part of a recently reformed construction industry coalition that will be responding to the released rule and will be submitting written response and representatives at meetings regarding the rule. The coalition recently hired the law firm of Jackson Lewis out of Washington, D.C. to spearhead not only our rule response, but also to facilitate an industry economic impact study.

The lead person with Jackson Lewis is Bradford Hammock a longtime veteran of the Department of Labor rule writing process and response. His last major effort while with the Department of Labor was handling the industry response to the Ergonomics rule. Expect to see news releases in near future from the coalition. Jackson Lewis will be coordinating the communications and that effort.

Members of the Silica Construction Coalition include ABC, AGC, ARTBA, Mechanical Contractors Association, NAHB, NECA, NRCA,ICE, ASA, and your MCAA.

Please feel free to review the information OSHA has provided about their rule at

If you have any questions, concerns or comments, feel free to contact Jeff Buczkiewicz, President/CEO of the MCAA at

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