OSHA Silica Rulemaking

Words: Jeff BuczkiewiczThe Department of Labor just released its 2015 Fall Regulatory Agenda, which states that OSHA will issue the final rule for Occupational Exposure to Crystalline Silica in February 2016. The silica timetable is somewhat surprising, as it was expected that the final rule would likely be issued next fall/winter.

As members of the Construction Industry Safety Coalition (CISC), the MCAA and its members are urged to contact the Chairman and Ranking Members of the US House and Senate Appropriations Committee asking them to support the Hoeven Amendment Language. The Hoeven Amendment is a good compromise that asks the Agency to answer a number of legitimate questions before going forward to finalize the regulation. Suggested talking points for this call can be downloaded here.

Language of the Hoeven Amendment is included in the Senate Labor-HHS-Ed bill (S.1695) in Section 115 which starts on page 41 at: https://www.congress.gov/114/bills/s1695/BILLS-114s1695pcs.pdf

Access the Appropriations Committee members at: http://www.appropriations.senate.gov/about/members

Thank you for your attention to this important industry request.

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