QUIKRETE Stars with Heisman Trophy Winner on HOME FREE

Words: Chad CorleyCatch QUIKRETE®, PAVESTONE® and Custom® Building Products on season two of HOME FREE, hosted by Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow and celebrity contractor Mike Holms. The FOX reality competition series featuring contestants vying to win their hero a dream home by completing challenges each week.

During each episode, contestants will be presented with tasks designed to test and challenge their home building skills. Holmes and Tebow will be with the competitors every step of the way — picking apart their work and demanding they meet Holmes high standards, while also sharing his guidance and inspiration. In a surprise twist, the couples not only work together, they must all live together on the work site 24/7.

Identify products that appear on each episode and post them on the QUIKRETE® Follow Us On Facebook page. The products must be posted by 11:59:59 p.m. ET/PT each Friday following the previous night’s episode. One winner will be randomly selected each week from the group of entries to win a $50 QUIKRETE® Company Online Store gift card!

Visit www.quikrete.com/homefree for rules and additional information.
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