New ICPI/NCMA Government Officials webinar series

Words: Randi HertzbergThe Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute and the National Concrete Masonry Association have teamed up to develop a 4 part series of free webinars for federal officials to promote the use of ACBs, pavers and SRWs. Members are encouraged to invite their local government officials.

The first webinar cover geosynthetically reinforced soil integrated bridge abutments (GRS-IBS) with SRW and CMU facing. This course will be presented by Joe Friederichs and John Lostumbo from Tencate Geosynthetics on September 22 at 1 pm EDT. The second webinar highlight Green Design and Low-Impact Development in Stormwater Regulations addressed by permeable interlocking concrete pavers (PICP) and presented by ICPI on September 29 at 1 pm EDT.

To request a more information please contact

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