N-95 Masks Desperately Needed

Words: Jeff Buczkiewicz

The MCAA would like to appeal to all of our contractors to check the inventory of N-95 masks. As you've probably heard, these masks are desperately needed in hospitals across the country. There are severe shortages right now. If you have a box or more that you are able to spare from your inventory, please donate it to a local hospital immediately. 

We are tracking these donations, so if you have the ability to donate and do so, please send a note to Jeff at jeffb@masoncontractors.org. The MCAA is working on getting a larger portion of the construction industry to participate in this donation program. While there is a lot of talk of masks coming to the hospitals, the reality is that it will take several weeks when production and delivery are factored in. 

Our response to get these very important PPE products to our medical people before the main supply reaches them will go a long way in protecting our healthcare workers and their families. Matt Keelen from The Keelen Group has spoken with HHS and they said this would be a huge help to fill the gap of PPE availability. 

Please remember to regularly visit the MCAA homepage to find the latest on the Coronavirus from the MCAA. 

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