DC Circuit Court Rules Against Coalition on Silica

Words: Jeff BuczkiewiczThe MCAA has just learned that the DC Circuit Court has made its decision regarding the silica court challenge. The court decided against industry and with OSHA. This is a very recent decision and the attorneys for the industry coalition are still reviewing the entire decision.

"While we are very disappointed that the courts did not agree with the Construction Industry Safety Coalition, we are committed to continue to work to make the rule easier to understand, further define unclear aspects of it and improve on the rule. We are very encouraged that the MCAA has taken a proactive approach in preparing our industry for the implementation of the rule and will continue to give contractors the resources they need to comply with the rule,” said Jeff Buczkiewicz, President of the MCAA.

The industry coalition and OSHA have both committed to work to clarify, define and better the rule regardless of any potential verdict in the case, so those collaborations continue. More news will be available as it develops.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the MCAA office 800-536-2225 or visit www.masoncontractors.org/silica.

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