Report of the MCAA Membership Committee

Words: Dick Dentinger

Building on a Solid Foundation

As our economy continues to pick up steam, we look to make certain we seize the opportunity to grow our membership base. When mason contractors are experiencing good times, they, and all of the stakeholders in our industry, carry a swagger of positivity and ambition. This means it’s a perfect time to tap into that energy and grow our MCAA membership. The ambitious goals of the MCAA demand a constant flow of time, talent and resources to meet the challenges we face.

In addition to our efforts to attract new members, we will continue to recruit firms and individuals to become more active and involved in MCAA committees, state chair positions, and so on.

2017-2018 Renewals

Through our efforts to stay connected to existing members and keeping them informed of the value and activities of MCAA, we continue to keep our attrition rate low. This success combined with an aggressive new member recruitment campaign, and all of our other membership communications, proved to produce an increase in our membership. During the last year, we recruited 184 new members. As a result, as of this writing, our combined MCAA membership is over 900 members. All new members are part of our new on boarding process. This includes ten separate contacts in the first twelve months of membership. This continual contact will keep our new members even more informed and involved with the MCAA. It will also ensure we keep our members renewing their membership year after year.

2017-2018 New Member Recruitment

The committee will continue to make an aggressive push to recruit new MCAA members. This will be done with a well-planned strategic program to recruit qualified prospective new members. This will be conducted through the following strategy:

  • Membership Marketing Program: We have updated our list of potential members to more than 5,000. This list will be marketed to with brochures, postcards, emails and phone calls discussing the benefits of joining the MCAA.

  • Membership Benefits: We will outline the new benefits that our offered to our members, such as the Silica Exposure Policy and the new training videos that will be rolled out in 2018.

In conclusion, we continue to recognize the opportunity is now for all of us who choose to make our living within the industry, to work together to grow our MCAA membership.
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