CMU Check-Off Assessments Begin April 1

Words: Isa Stein

After a decade plus worth of work by the industry to secure a check-off program for concrete block, it will officially start collecting assessments this Saturday, April 1. We are excited to see the start of this program, which will bring significant national and regional investments for the concrete block industry. It is estimated that the program will bring in $10 million per year.

Funds will be used for a variety of activities. The goal of the program is to help restore market share for the concrete block community. You will likely see some type of reference to the CMU Check-Off Program from your block suppliers (if you have not already). Ultimately, know that the pennies that go into this program will ultimately help our industry in the long run through the funding of many efforts.

The Program is governed by a Board of Directors who will ultimately be responsible for the stewardship of the funds. Look for more details on program support in early 2024.

Jeff Buczkiewicz, President of Mason Contractors Association of America

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