Historic Preservation Masonry Workshop

Words: Margaret FosterIn cooperation with the Essex (Va.) County Historical Society and the U.S. Heritage Group of Chicago, Historic Properties.com will hold a preservation workshop — "Brick & Mortar, Work with your Hands, Learn through your Heart" — Sept. 13-16 in Tappahannock, Va. The workshop will focus on the rebuilding of a 1790 residential chimney.

On Thursday, lecturers will discuss historic brick and 19th century masonry architecture and construction. On Friday, participants will take part in a historic masonry workshop, with hands-on brick and mortar demonstrations. Saturday will have a community open house, where brick and mortar questions will be answered. On Sunday, the group will take a community tour and closing discussion with the experts.

For more information, contact Sharon Hinson of Hinson Inc. at 888-507-0501, or visit www.historicproperties.com/workshop.htm.

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