Report From the Expo to Rebuild Chile

Words: Al ArreguinKOR-IT spent all last week in Santiago Chile participating in the Expo to Rebuild Chile. As you may remember, Chile suffered a massive 9.0 earthquake, numerous aftershocks, and a resulting tsunami which rivaling even the largest of quakes in USA. The Chilean infrastructure was devastated, hundreds of people perished, and the Government of Chile put the call out to the World to send experts who can assist with the rebuilding effort.

What we found was a country, which has an advanced infrastructure in place, however in certain regions, it was simply over-powered by nature. Currently the newly elected Chilean Government is focused on providing permanent housing solutions for those who were affected, and in the near future, will be considering cutting-edge proposals for rebuilding major public infrastructure torn apart from these events.

After the KOR-IT presentation on Wednesday, we spoke with numerous Government officials and local industry professionals who will be using KOR-IT core drill products for destructive testing of concrete on highways, roads and bridges throughout Chile. Additionally, we spent some time surveying the market for other uses of core drilling technology, including sign and fencing installations, manhole raising, precast concrete drilling, and more. Present at the tradeshow were search and rescue personnel who were impressed with our K-525-G25V Search and Rescue Concrete Drill and will be stocking them throughout Chile to ensure rapid rescue of survivors if this ever happens again.

We appreciated the chance to contribute to this event and hope we can help make a positive difference in the lives of the Chilean Citizens.
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